Friday, October 12, 2018

Cataloguing tips - Recording authors in corporate body publication

Is it necessary to record a group of writers stated in a introductory page of a work published by government body?

That would depend on the prominence of the authors and how they are represented, and also on the content of the resource. If it says on the title page that the authors wrote the book, then we probably assert them as the creators, with the corporate body as 710. If they are just listed in the introduction , they may not need to be included. Remember that the corporate body is only asserted as creator, if they fit the RDA criteria for status as creator, so you may have situations when no one is listed as a main creator, but all are listed in 7XX fields.

Thursday, October 11, 2018

Cataloguing tips - Biographical work

Generally, biographical work is about story of a figure from birth to old age or death. If a work tells only a part of life. for example school period, can we consider this work as biography?


What about if a work contains testimonies from several people about a figure?

Not necessarily a 'biographical work' but could be considered to contain 'biographical content' and there is a code for this in the 008.